Cosmos - Perfect for a Child's First Garden

Cosmos is a beautiful and easy-to-grow flowering plant known for its bright and showy flowers. Cosmos bipinnatus (KAHS-mos bye-pin-NAY-tus) come in shades of white, pink, rose, red, burgundy and bicolors. Cosmos sulphureus (KAHS-mos sul-FER-ee-us) are shades of yellow and orange. Cosmos are heat lovers, native to Mexico and Central America. Plants have fine, ferny foliage that grow to heights up to six feet.   

They are easy to start from seed and are an excellent choice for introducing children to gardening. Wait until soil has warmed, then scatter seeds where they are to grow and sprinkle with a little soil or rake lightly. Do not cover too deeply. Keep soil moist until germination occurs. Established plants are drought tolerant; they do not like to be overwatered. Plants readily self-seed.

Avoid planting in areas with strong winds or they may require staking. Should tall plants flop, they can be cut back to 12-15 inches and will rebloom in a few weeks. Cosmos attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making it a great choice for pollinator gardens.