Look Forward, Gardeners

With spring’s approach, gardeners are ready to wield their spades. One of the most common requests is “something for privacy.” Gardeners are not unfriendly people — we just don’t want to see quite so much of our neighbors and vice versa. Dense and fast-growing, Leyland Cypress and White Pine are two trees commonly chosen for a privacy screen.

Before you purchase or plant, please take a hard look at the intended location. White Pine, Pinus strobus, grows two or more feet each year, with a mature height up to 150 feet and a 20-40 foot spread. Leyland Cypress, Cupressocyparis leylandii, is a hybrid between Monterey Cypress and Alaska Cedar. It grows three to four feet per year, with a mature height of 70-100 feet and a 20-foot width.

Sadly, the popularity of these two screening trees leads people to plant them where they do not belong: under utility lines, too close to neighbors’ yards, or too close together. In a few short years, utility companies do what they must do to keep pumping the juice to our homes. It is not the fault of the utility workers. If they don’t prevent limbs from falling into their lines, they are eviscerated when homeowners lose power, telephone, or internet during snow or ice storms. Necessary trimming sometimes results in ugly, deformed trees. The people screaming the loudest during outages are sometimes those who would not allow tree trimming on their property.  

Leyland Cypress should be planted 20-25 feet apart. Trees which mesh together will shade each other, resulting in dead brown needles and dropped lower limbs. A too-close planting invites dieback, blights, cankers, and damage from bagworms. A heavy bagworm infestation can kill a full-grown tree.

Whether it is the two trees described above or any other trees, please take note of their ultimate size. Do not plant under utility lines, too close to service boxes (electrical, internet, telephone), or so close to the neighbor’s property that your trees will encroach onto their side within a few short years.  Otherwise, you may be forced to see some of the sad, sad sights shown in these photographs.

Planted underneath utility lines, a portion of these Leyland Cypress trees was pruned away, leaving half the tree intact. Unbalanced and weird.

Half the tree limbs on either side of this street were removed so that they would not fall onto the street.

Pruned pines and a split hardwood make way for electrical lines (suburban area).

Anxious for a quick privacy screen from the street, this homeowner planted many Leyland Cypress trees, spaced four feet apart. Three-fourths of them should be removed. I’m giving them the benefit of doubt, and assuming they plan to remove some of them once the trees’ growth spurt begins.

This old Oak was likely a small tree when these lines were strung. With time, limbs were removed for the integrity of the lines. Necessary but sad.

Fatsia for a Tropical Appearance

Fatsia japonica (pronounced FAT-see-uh jah-PON-ih-kuh) is a broadleaf, semi-evergreen shrub (or short tree) with a decidedly tropical appearance. Native to Japan and Korea, Fatsia is prized for its large, shiny, dark green leaves. It has clusters of white flowers in fall. that resemble drumsticks.

Fatsia prefers moist, well-drained, acidic soil and partial shade in zones 7-10. It is important to keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, to avoid root rot. Fatsia also benefits from regular fertilization during active growth. Do not fertilize in winter. Locate the plant away from windy areas to avoid torn or brown leaves.

Fatsia can grow quite large, reaching up to 20 feet tall and wide. Prune it regularly to maintain its shape and size. Pruning can be done any time of the year, but is best undertaken in the late winter or early spring before new growth appears. It can be propagated from stem cuttings in the summer and may self-sow from dropped seeds.

Fatsia is relatively pest and disease-free, but it can be susceptible to scale insects and spider mites. Deer find the leaves tasty. In areas with high deer pressure, consider container culture so that plants can be draped or relocated. Container plants will not grow as tall as ground-grown plants.

This Fatsia looks fabulous when its bold leaves are seen in contrast to a small-leaf Azalea (left), variegated Hosta (middle) and burgundy foliage of a Japanese maple (right)

Calycanthus, Carolina Allspice or Sweetshrub

Sweet Shrub is a homely shrub with a heavenly scent. Native to the southeast, Sweet Shrub grows in part shade. It will reach heights of six to ten feet, and spreads indefinitely by suckering. Flowers of the species are nondescript, wine colored, and easy to overlook. Newer cultivars have larger, more attractive flowers but may not be as fragrant as the older type. The flowers have a scent that is described as a cross between strawberry and kiwi. Bruised foliage has a pleasant scent also.

Sweet Shrub (Calycanthus floridus, pronounced kal-ee-KAN-thus FLOR-id-us) is perennial in zones 4-9. It will reach heights up to 12 feet in clay or loamy soil with an acidic or neutral pH. Flowers have strap-like petals (tepals) in shades of burgundy to brown. Newer cultivar ‘Athens’ has white flowers and ‘Aphrodite’ has a brighter red bloom than the straight species. ‘Hartlage Wine’ has larger, showier flowers.

Locate Sweet Shrub in a woodland garden to seating or pathways so that its fragrance can be enjoyed. Flowers are popular with pollinators and shrubs are usually ignored by deer.

This is the native version of Calycanthus, Sweet Shrub. Newer cultivars have larger flowers. Reports indicate that newer cultivar ‘Venus’ is equally fragrant.

Winter Daphne for Cool Weather Fragrance

The rest of the US is facing a wave of frigid weather, but in the deep south, warm temperatures have brought gardeners outdoors, where we are enjoying the scents and sights of Forsythia and all the sprig-flowering bulbs. The sweet scent of Daphne wafts over it all.

Daphne odora (pronounced DAF-nee oh-DOH-rah) or Winter Daphne is an evergreen shrub that grows to heights up to six feet in zones 7-9. In late winter, its rose and white flowers have a heavenly fragrance that makes gardeners forgive its propensity to die suddenly, without warning (known as the “Daphne Death Dance” among gardeners who have loved and lost it). Plant it in partial shade in moist, neutral pH soil that is very well drained and has plenty of organic matter. It lives longest when sited on a slope that ensures good drainage. It also does well in a container if sited in a protected area. ‘Aureo-marginata’ is a variegated form. Prune leggy plants after flowering is complete to keep them compact and attractive.

All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans

Daphne odora in bloom. Special thanks for this image to shell_ghostcage via Pixabay photosharing.

Purple Heart Is An Easy, Colorful Perennial

Tradescantia pallida..

Recent warm weather started the garden-planning process for many of us. If you are seeking a quick-growing,, easy perennial for a splash of violet, consider Purple Heart.

Tradescantia pallida (pronounced trad-es-KAN-tee-uh PAL-lid-duh), commonly called Purple Heart, has striking purple leaves. It is grown for its rich foliage, but it also has delicate, three-petaled pink or purple flowers. It is a popular choice for gardens and flower beds, and can be grown as an annual or perennial depending on the climate, or as a houseplant anywhere.

Purple Heart can reach up to eighteen inches tall and twenty-four inches wide, with a trailing habit. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade. It will survive in full sun if given occasional irrigation. More sun results in greater color intensity of leaves. Plants are drought-tolerant once established. They are undemanding in soil type or texture.

Propagation of Purple Heart is easy from stem cuttings. Cuttings can be taken in the spring or summer rooted in a mixture of sand and peat moss. For those with no desire to set up a propagation area, fair success can be obtained by taking stem cuttings and inserting them into the soil where the mother plant is growing. Remove any leaves that will be below ground level, and ensure that soil covers a node (where a leaf emerged from the stem). Keep soil damp and at least half the cuttings will strike roots.

Plants are hardy zones 7-11. A hard frost will turn all top growth into mush, which can be removed any time before spring. In the cooler zones, a light mulch (pine needles) will help protect the roots and ensure its return. New growth will emerge as soon as weather warms in the spring. Purple Heart is not particularly susceptible to diseases or pests, including deer. It provides a beautiful contrast to yellow or pink flowers. Its undemanding nature and rapid growth makes it a good choice for new gardeners.

This border of Purple Heart is located outside a church gymnasium in an area that receives full morning sun. It gets no irrigation or care, and it looks great, year after year.


Few perennials look great through the entire year. In the Mary Snoddy garden, a patch of Ajuga (pronounced ah-JOO-gah) has survived all manner of abuse: being trampled underfoot during our home renovation, record-breaking rain, record-breaking cold, full sun in what used to be full shade, and general disrespect. It does not look great, but I marvel at the fact it survived at all. We have had two days of warm sun, and it is pushing out fresh new leaves.

Ajuga reptans is an easily grown, aggressive, short groundcover. It is available in shades of bright chartreuse, deepest burgundy or chocolate, and a lovely sage green, white, rose combination. Textures vary from fine blades (‘Chocolate Chip’) or broad leaf (‘Black Scallop’). Newer cultivars broaden color choices to bronze, yellow, orange, and red. Look for the Feathered Friends™ series for something truly unusual.

Ajugas thrive in partial sun or shade. Blue flowers in spring are a bonus. These undemanding groundcovers spread quickly, giving rise to some gardeners’ assessment of the plant as invasive. (It is a member of the mint family). It will grow and even thrive in many situations where other plants, including grass, won’t grow: deep shade, dry soil, or under Black Walnut trees. It will tolerate minor foot traffic. Plants can be so vigorous that congested areas die. Prevent this by division. Ajuga is resistant to damage from deer and rabbits. Other than dieback from congestions, their only problem is root-rot when placed in wet soils.

Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’ has a lovely pink and white variegation that lights up daker areas in the shade garden.


Fine leaf Ajuga reptans ‘Chocolate Chip’ softens the edges of a brick walkway.

Bleeding Hearts for St. Valentine's Day

For Valentine’s Day centerpieces or spring-featured woodland gardens, few plants can top the showy, romantic flowers of Bleeding Heart. Formerly known as Dicentra spectabilis, it has been renamed to Lamprocapnos spectabilis (pronounced lam-pro-CAP-nos speck-TAB-il-iss). The description spectabilis means showy, and this flower lives up to its name. The outer petals (pink, rose, or red) form a heart shape, while the inner petals (white) extend below the point, looking as if love is oozing out. The description belies the beauty of the individual blooms, which remind me of traditional Irish jewelry, the Claddagh (symbolizes love, friendship, and loyalty). These heart flowers (from seven to fifteen) appear on one side of the arching stem. The foliage is coarsely lobed.

Bleeding Heart is ephemeral, which means it comes up in early spring, flowers, then goes completely dormant in summer, fall, and winter. This disappearing habit means they pair well with hostas and ferns, which will expand to conceal holes left by their vanishing act. Their delicate color pairs well with blue and pink Mertensia virginica (bluebells) and yellow Primula vulgaris (primroses).  

Site Bleeding Heart in a part-shade to all-shade area with neutral to alkaline soil. They tolerate most soil types, sand to clay, but are more demanding with water needs. They want to be dry when dormant, and have plentiful moisture but not constantly wet while in growth and flowering. Plentiful organic matter in the soil will produce larger plants with more flowers.

Bleeding Heart is perennial in zones 3-9. After a year or two, they will reach heights of three feet with a two foot spread. The cultivar ‘Alba’ has white flowers, and ‘Gold Heart’ has yellow foliage. Both these cultivars will tolerate more sun than the straight species. ‘Gold Heart’ needs a little bit of sun to achieve best leaf color.

Plants are toxic if eaten. Sap causes contact dermatitis to sensitive skin. Bleeding Heart is not browsed by deer or rabbits, and is rarely troubled by insects.

These Snowflakes are Not Meant for Snowmen

Leucojum (pronounced loo-KOH-jum) is an elegant flower with delicate, drooping white blooms that look like petticoats. Spring Snowflake (L. vernum) flowers in very early spring. Summer Snowflake (L. aestivum) flowers mid-spring. Each tepal (think petal) has a blotch of green on it on its tip. Strap-like foliage resembles that of daffodils and averages 12 to 24 inches in length.

Snowflakes do well in part shade to full shade, and perform well under deciduous trees. They prefers dry soil when dormant, with added moisture when in flower. They are tolerant of heavy clay soils. The flowers are all held on the same side of the stem, so they lean gracefully to the side. They have the same gelatinous sap as daffodils, so should not be combined with other flowers in a vase.

Snowflakes look super when planted in large drifts, in woodland settings, or in rock gardens. Bulbs will multiply into good sized clumps. They prefer to remain undisturbed. Congestion doesn’t seem to bother them as long as they receive adequate nutrition from the soil. Add a sprinkle of lime and a little fertilizer each spring to keep them happy. The bulbs can be underplanted in a bed of Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon) or other shade-loving groundcovers.

Deer, rabbits, and voles avoid Snowflakes. They are not damaged by juglone, so can be planted under Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) trees. Bulbs and leaves are poisonous. Do not eat.

A third species, Leucojum auctumnle flowers in late summer to early fall. It is less popular that the spring-flowering types and is difficult to find in garden centers.

Plan Now for Fall Crocus & Colchichum

I was thrilled to see the first evidence of Crocus foliage pushing their way out of the frozen soil today. Crocus is the earliest bulb (corm, really) to flower in the Mary Snoddy garden, usually in February. At times they are frosted by ice or snow, which doesn’t seem to dampen their cheerful demeanor one bit.

As much as I enjoy these harbingers of spring, I prefer the Crocus that flower in October and November. You will notice that I did not say “Fall-flowering Crocus” or “Autumn Crocus.” There is a good reason why. There are two different flowers which bloom at the same time and look very similar to the unpracticed eye. One produces saffron threads, a culinary delight. The other can kill you if you eat any part of it. Seriously.

Fall-flowering Crocus, Crocus sativus, pronounced CROW-cuss suh-TAI-vuss, is also known as Saffron Crocus. It is grown for saffron spice, as noted above, but the orange-red stigmas are also used for dye. They will stain fingers and clothing. This plant sends up narrow, grass-like foliage before the flowers appear. Plants are small, usually reaching about six inches when they are in flower. C. sativus is cold-hardy in zones 5-8. They prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline soil in full sun. They are occasionally damaged by voles or rabbits.

Autumn Crocus is Colchicum autumnale, pronounced COAL-chik-um aw-tum-NAH-lay. It is taller (eight to ten inches) and its blooms are larger than C. sativus. It appears as a naked bloom, with no foliage at the time of flowering. Weak foliage appears in spring. It is more cold-tolerant (zones 4-10) than C. sativus, will tolerate a wider range of pH, and will withstand a bit more shade. The large pink or purple flowers look fantastic when they appear above a short groundcover like dwarf mondo grass, which also helps support the weak stems. All parts of the plant are highly toxic to people and pets. Deer and rabbits will not touch them.

Tiny C. sativus is planted 2-3 inches deep. Larger C. autumnale is planted 4-6 inches deep. Both these corms are small and flat, and look best when planted in groups or drifts. They will naturalize when planted in the lawn. Pollinators are attracted to the flowers.

Three Types of Celosia

If you have never started annual flowers from seed, let this be the year you begin. One of the most rewarding (easy to germinate, long blooming, humidity tolerant) is Celosia, the National Garden Bureau’s 2023 Annual of the Year. Commonly called Coxcomb, this colorful, low maintenance plant should be in every garden.

Celosia argentea (pronounced sell-OH-see-ah ar-jen-TEE-ah) blooms are grouped into three main classes. Plumosa or plume-type have flowers that look like fluffy paintbrushes. Spicata or spike-type have narrow blooms that look like spikes of wheat. Cristata or crested-type have convoluted flowers that make me think of brains or coral. All three grow in full sun or mostly sun and neutral soil, zones 2-11. They prefer moist, well-drained soil but will survive in less favorable soil if given fertilizer and water. Extended dryness will cause the leaves to wilt, detracting from the beautiful flowers that come in yellow, red, rose, pink, orange, and magenta. These are long-lasting in arrangements, and will hold their color well if dried.

Seeds are available for each of the three bloom types. Celosia seeds are small – one gram measure will contain about a thousand seeds. Start with pre-moistened seed starting mix. Tweezers are helpful in placing seeds in the center of starter cells. Cover seeds with a quarter-inch of vermiculite and maintain a temperature of 70-75 degrees. Keep the starter mix barely moist (not wet) to reduce damping off disease. Bottom water to avoid dislodging seeds. You should see signs of germination in 10 days.

Deadheading will cause the plants to produce more flower heads, but I always leave a few spent flowers to encourage self-seeding. Celosia argentea var. spicata may reseed a little too enthusiastically for some gardeners. Plants reach to 24-inches with a 12-inch spread in good soil. Taller plants may need to be staked. Skip the staking by purchasing some of the newer, dwarf cultivars, available as plants.

Celosia is a good choice for pollinator gardens and cutting gardens. It is not a space hog, and will work well in small beds. Plants look especially good when planted in masses. Dwarf types can also be grown in containers.

The accompanying photos are courtesy of the National Garden Bureau. #NGB #YearoftheCelosia

Happy New Year

No in-depth gardening information today, just my sincere wish that each of my readers will have a good 2023.

When weather allows, cut back Liriope so that emerging foliage will not mingle with last year’s tattered growth. Now is also a good time to schedule pruning for your hybrid tea roses. DO NOT prune Azaleas or Forsythia now, or you will remove buds. If a shrub blooms in early spring, wait until after flowering is complete before shaping and pruning. Dead or damaged limbs can be removed any time.

5 Hydrangeas for Season-Long Flowers

I managed to dodge Biology in high school, but it caught up to me when I enrolled in the Master Gardener education program of Clemson University. In MG class, I was taught to remember the taxonomic classification string (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) with a mnemonic memory device: King Phillip Came Over From Germany, Singing. As a gardener, I use this mnemonic as often as I use the Pythagorean Theorem (read: rare) but one mnemonic device that is very helpful is the one I use for Hydrangea selection.

With proper choices, southeastern gardeners can have Hydrangeas in bloom for many months. Use this memory word to make your selections: ONEAL.

 O – is for Oakleafs, Hydrangea quercifolia. They have lobed leaves, unlike other Hydrangeas. These are the first to flower in my southern garden, beginning in May. I like the look of the spent blooms as much as I do the fresh ones, so I leave them in place even after they have aged to pink-tan. They provide an interesting contrast to the autumn foliage, which turns burgundy or purple. Leaves remain on the exfoliating branches for many weeks before they fall. ‘Snow Queen’ is a widely available variety. ‘Snowflake’ is my favorite cultivar, with a huge flower mass that consists of numerous double white florets. I grow ‘Little Honey’ more for its yellow foliage than its flowers. I expected ‘Little Honey’ to remain little, but she grew to five feet tall in my bed of moist, rich soil in half shade. Mature Oakleafs are wider (10 feet) than they are tall (8 feet). In the Mary Snoddy garden, ‘Snow Queen’ limbs that touched the soil rooted and three plants grew into a dense forest 30 feet wide. Lovely, although it took a decade for these slow growers to achieve that dense appearance. Grow Oakleafs in partial shade, acidic soil, in zones 5-9. A mature plant can withstand limited periods of drought.

N – is for ‘Nikko Blue’ the big blue mophead still existing around many historical homes. It is Hydrangea macrophylla, which translates to “big leaves.” The flowers are exquisite, but are borne on “old wood,” which means a late freeze can zap buds and leave your flowerless during the ensuing summer. Be prepared to trot out the protective covering if a killing freeze is predicted. ‘Nikko Blue’ begins blooming after Oakleaf Hydrangea. Even with plentiful water, the wide leaves may wilt alarmingly during steamy days but will recover at the evening cool-down. Plants grow to six feet tall and wide, although they are usually pruned to be smaller. Grow these in shade or dappled light. Full sun will result in an crispy plant with few flowers.

E – is for the Endless Summer® Series, the first re-blooming Hydrangea macrophylla, introduced by Bailey Nurseries in 2004. Endless Summer hydrangeas bloom on both old wood (from last year’s growth) and new wood (from current year’s growth). Thus, should a late freeze kill the buds on old growth, gardeners can still enjoy flowers a bit later in the growing season. The enormous popularity of reblooming (“remontant”) types has spurred the introduction of many more cultivars, some mopheads and some lacecaps. Lacecap flowers consist of a center of unimpressive, fertile flowers surrounded by a ring of showy sterile flowers. Rebloomers must be nurtured with good soil, adequate fertilizer and enough moisture to stimulate new growth.

A - is for Hydrangea arborescens or Smooth Hydrangea. The ‘Annabelle’ cultivar brought popularity to this species with its huge white blooms, greater cold tolerance, and more sun tolerance than other cultivars. ‘Annabelle’ has been eclipsed by newer introductions ‘Incrediball,’ and its ‘Invincibelle’ relatives, which also expanded the color choices from white to rose, pink, red, and green (at maturity). Mature plants will reach five feet in height and width. They bloom on new wood. An aggressive winter pruning (down to 12 inches or so) will keep the shrub neat. I have found that the weight of rain on the large blooms may cause stems to bend, leaving flowers in the mud. As a preventative, surround a winter-pruned plant with a simple wire tomato cage. New growth conceals the cage and provides support to keep the flowers upright, where they can be seen and enjoyed. Smooth Hydrangea flowers last a long time on the plant. Plant in moist, acidic to neutral soils, zones 3-9, partial shade to full sun (with added irrigation).

L - is for ‘Limelight,’ the most commonly grown cultivar of Hydrangea paniculata, commonly Panicle Hydrangea or Peegee. Most Panicle Hydrangeas are large, reaching to 15 feet tall and 12 feet wide. ‘Limelight’ is more compact, making it easier to incorporate into borders. Newer introductions, such as ‘Little Lime,’ ‘Pee Wee,’ or ‘Pinky Winky’ are even more compact. Most cultivars have white flowers that age to green, but ‘Pinky Winky’ is rosy pink. Grow H. paniculata in neutral to acidic, moist soil, zones 4-8, in partial shade to partial sun.

If you plant a Hydrangea in each of the ONEAL categories, you should be able to enjoy flowers from May through frost.

A quick summary on pruning: Prune H. paniculata and H. aborescens in the fall since they bloom on new wood. ‘Endless Summer’ varieties produce flowers on both old and new wood. Cut their faded flower stems to half their length to encourage new growth and buds. Prune after last bloom in the fall to control shape and height. Prune ‘Nikko Blue’ in the summer immediately after blooming. Do not trim in fall. For H. quercifolia, prune in fall for smaller, more numerous flowers.  Pruning in the spring means fewer flowers but they will be larger.  No pruning at all usually results in more numerous but smaller flowers. Unless your ‘Nikko Blue’ or ‘Endless Summer’ mophead hydrangeas have outgrown their location, there is no need to prune at all, except to remove dead limbs.  Pruning does not increase the number of blooms.  Really!

‘Snowflake’ just opening. My favorite Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf), with strong stems and beautiful fall leaf color.

Old Man's Beard - Lichen, Fungus, Algae

When you wander through the woods in the dead of winter, you see things that remain unnoticed during the active growing season when everything is lush and green. This week, a lovely growth on the forest floor caught my attention. It was a lichen, Usnea strigosa, whose common name is Old Man’s Beard, Methuselah’s Beard, or Bushy Beard Lichen. At first glance it appears to rest on fallen leaves, but it rises from tiny bits of tree bark.

So, what is a lichen, exactly? It is a symbiotic partnership, a fungus that lives in association with an algae. Algae produces sugars through photosynthesis. These sugars feed the companion fungus. In return, the fungus serves as a protector of its algae partner, offering protection from drought and excessive sunlight. In dry periods, the thread-like organisms appear grayish in color. When rainfall moistens it, the algae is refreshed and the partnership takes on a sage-green tint. Those rounded pads at the tips of the threads are the fruit, producing reproductive spores.

Old Man’s Beard lichen is found throughout the southeast. Other than being something cool to see in the woodlands, Old Man’s Beard can tell us a bit about our surroundings. It does not tolerate air pollution, for instance, so its presence indicates clean air. There is abundant information touting the medicinal properties of Usnea (note: I’m reporting, NOT recommending!), ranging from wound treatment to tuberculosis prevention, tonics, astringents, or diuretics. It can even be used to produce an orange dye.

Look for Old Man’s Beard lichen in oak forests, in damp, shady areas. It slightly resembles unrelated Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides, an epiphyte) or Reindeer Moss (Cladonia rangiferina). If you need to confirm its identity, seize one of the threads and pull the ends in opposite directions. The green algae covering will separate from the fungus, which is a white thread in the middle. The fungus is stretchy, almost like a rubber band.

Make An All-Natural Kissing Ball

The kissing ball originated in the Middle Ages, when vines were wrapped into a circular shape and a small figurine of Jesus was placed within. Later, the vine base was replaced by a raw potato or apple. Somehow this Christmas-theme decoration evolved during the Victorian era to symbolize romance. I’ve always thought that Victorians were prudish, but they introduced hanging of a kissing ball in doorways as an invitation to smooch. Eventually balls of mixed greens were replaced by sprigs of mistletoe. Modern music by Kelly Clarkson or Justin Bieber keeps the tradition alive, albeit in a version vastly different than the original.

Mistletoe has been a part of my holiday decorating until a few years ago, when security guards at the local shopping mall suggested I stop harvesting from the mistletoe-laden (and unhealthy) trees in their parking lot islands. Rather than using artificial or preserved greenery and a Styrofoam base, I decided to revert to the historic form – a potato – and fresh boxwood sprigs. The moisture in a potato will keep cut branches moist for weeks. Unlike artificial foam, the all-natural form is biodegradable and can be tossed onto the compost pile after the holidays.

This is an easy project, even if you are not crafty. If you ever played the Mr. Potato Head game as a child, this will feel familiar. Here is my method.

Gather components: Hand clippers, ribbon, small round potatoes, greenery. Smaller potatoes are better than large ones. They do not need to be perfectly round, since adjustments are easily made in the lengths of cut greenery. Many types of greenery can be used, but the smaller the leaf the neater the finished product. Boxwood was my choice.

For the first ball I assembled, I found the boxwood stems were too soft to easily penetrate a raw potato, so I used an icepick to pre-make holes. For subsequent assembly, I microwaved the potato base for one minute, which was just enough to soften the skin without cooking the potato. 

The assembly process is best done outdoors to reduce cleanup. Cut boxwood stems about two inches long. Strip the leaves off one inch of the cut end so it will insert easily into the potato base. Either prune just the tips of branches or cut a single long stem into several sections. The raw ends will not be noticeable once assembly is complete. If the sight of a raw stem tip bothers you, touch the light-colored cut end with a black Sharpie marker and the cut will become invisible. 

Insert stems into the potato, spacing them close, until the base is covered. Adjust the amount of stem inserted to maintain a round shape. Leave a small space uncovered for insertion of a decorative ribbon and wire for hanging. I experimented with adding a decorative ribbon as the first step and then as the last step, and found that I preferred the latter.


If available, a florist pin (looks like a long staple) is a great way to attach ribbon. I did not have florist pins, so I used cable staples instead. Metal paper clips could substitute in a pinch.

Finished balls are ready to hang, indoors or out. The moist potato interior will keep the boxwood looking fresh through the holidays.

4 Steps to Keeping a Christmas Tree Fresh

Buy a fresh tree
Some types of trees retain their freshness longer than others. Balsam Fir, Frasier Fir, Colorado Spruce, or Norway Spruce will keep their needles and color longer than cedars or junipers. Both Cedar and Pine are best used as cut limbs. Cedar’s fragrance evokes the holiday spirit like no other, but it dries out quickly and will shed its sharp scales like a dandelion puffball. Pine has a lovely fragrance but it exudes sticky resin and its flexible limbs do not provide good support for ornaments. Keep cuttings hydrated in vases, water tubes, or wet floral foam, or plan to pull and replace them with fresh cut branches every week.

I’m always curious about who buys those first cut trees. You know – the ones leaning against a building two weeks after Halloween. Unless you are planning an early holiday celebration due to out of-town travel plans for December 25, leave these early-cuts for someone else.

Unless you cut the tree yourself (a fun family activity for those fortunate enough to be located where this is a possibility), there is no way to know when a tree was harvested. Test the candidate by passing a hand along the needles on a branch, like you are stroking a kitten. If a lot of needles come away in your grasp, keep looking. For smaller trees, pick up the trunk and drop it an inch or two. A loss of a few needles is fine, but if this produces a rain of shed needles, move on.

Fresh cut to help with water intake
Christmas tree lots and home improvement stores are usually accommodating with a fresh trunk cut, especially if you do your tree shopping outside its busiest weekend hours. A thin slice (an inch is fine) off the trunk will remove hardened sap and expose fresh tissue so the tree will absorb water most efficiently.

Keep it hydrated
Add water at least daily. A fresh tree may absorb a gallon or more each day. Consumption will go down as the tree ages. Do not allow the water reservoir to go dry. Contrary to abundant folklore, it is not necessary or beneficial to add bleach, sugar, vodka, soda, aspirin, or any type of preservatives. Water works best.

Keep it cool
Any cut tree will last longer if kept away from heat sources like fireplaces or heater ducts.

Sage Smudging: Science or Silly?

We did not host guests this Thanksgiving, so there was no roast turkey at the Snoddy place, hence no need for harvesting sage to flavor the traditional dressing (or stuffing) accompaniment.

Today, a quick peek into my herb garden revealed a beautiful sage plant. Its good condition was a surprise, since I plunked it into a corner of a raised bed in spring and promptly forgot it.

My past use of culinary sage has been limited to the Thanksgiving meal. It was planted as a deterrent to marauding deer and rabbits. I decided to search the internet for other uses. What an eye opener! I was unfamiliar with “sage smudging,” and what I learned was fascinating. Smudging, simply put, is the burning of plant material to produce smoke and aroma.

Burning sage was practiced by Native Americans (and perhaps Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans). The intent (varies by source) was either a spiritual ritual, a purification practice, a healing rite, an attempt to rid spaces of insects, or to “dispense negative energy.”

There are two main types of sage used in smudging, White Sage (Artemesia) or Culinary Sage (Salvia officinalis). Other plants used for smudging include cedar, rosemary, and lavender. The internet has several prayers or incantations for use as part of smudging rituals. Some sites had very specific instructions. According to one, “Use a match to light it at the bottom. You never want to blow on it, because that is blowing your spirit away.” Other sites discourage smudging by non-Native Americans, labeling the practice as cultural appropriation. One source gave instructions on the inclusion of sage smudging as a part of marriage ceremonies.

So, is there any proven science behind smudging? More than 30% of Americans use medicines or practices that fall outside standard pharmacological standards. WebMd.com was non-committal: “While sage burning might offer a kind of metaphysical or spiritual cleansing, its medical virtues haven't been well-studied. Very little research has been done on burning sage in general, and there isn't much evidence to confirm what it might do for your health.”

While the activity is not widespread, there are YouTube videos on how to smudge properly. And any time you can purchase Sage Smudge Sticks on Amazon, it is safe to assume that is moving from esoteric to known.

Here is a piece of wisdom. Let the curious beware. After my research into the practice of smudging, I got plenty of popups on other sites and advertisements related to holistic healing, acupuncture, mysticism, even a few links which appeared to have some connection to witches.

Culinary Sage or Common Sage, Salvia officinalis, is a woody sub-shrub native to the Mediterranean. It has soft gray, narrow leaves that resemble a greener version of Lambs Ears. ‘Berggarten’ is a cultivar with wider leaves. Bees and butterflies love sage’s spikes of tiny lavender, blue, or pinkish flowers. Plants are grown from seeds, cuttings, or division. They are perennial in zones 4-8. Grow sage in full sun and well-draining soil. Plants are deer and rabbit resistant.


This happy sage plant is hanging out with neighboring oregano and cattnip.

Turkey Tail Fungus

November is a perfect time to talk about turkey tail fungus, Trametes versicolor. (“Versicolor” means “many colors.”) Turkey tail is common, found growing on hardwood stumps and downed logs across North America. It is pretty, with bands of muted colors that resemble an expanded, look-at-me turkey’s tail. Unlike many fungi, the turkey tail is tough, with a texture more like leather than your garden-variety, tender mushroom. It grows in damp, shady areas.

Turkey tail typically grows on dead wood or bark, so if you spot it growing in your garden, take it as a message that the host tree is unhealthy. This may be the only warning message you receive before stormy weather takes the tree to ground. Turkey tail feeds on the lignin and cellulose in dead wood, but the rate of lignin consumption is faster than the cellulose consumption. As a result, a community of the fungus may engender stringy white rot. (A fungus which consumes cellulose faster than lignin will produce a reddish rot.)

Communities of the fungus can be large – the one shown in the accompanying photo spread eight feet on a downed tree trunk. The host is located a few feet away from a creek and is under the shade of tall trees. A nearby trunk also hosted the fungus, but it was several weeks older and the warm colors had faded to several shades of gray. Young specimens can have bands of pink, rose, gold or blue. These fungi can be found year-round, but are most often seen in the fall.

False turkey tail (Stereum ostrea) has color bands similar to the true turkey tail fungus, but it has a smooth underside, while the true version has a rough underside.

Turkey tail is both attractive and useful, as it breaks down fallen trees and helps keep the forest floor cleared of limb litter. It is not considered edible by humans — not toxic, but not tasty.

Wishing all my readers a happy Thanksgiving. We have so many reasons to feel grateful!

A colony of Turkey Tail on a fallen tree.

Turkey tail, with my hand shown to show scale.

Pokeweed: Friend or Foe?

Whether you call it Poke Salet, Poke Salad, Pokeberry or Polk Salad, if you grew up in the south, you probably know the lush green leaves and shiny purple berry clusters of Phytolacca americana.

It is either a weed or a feature plant, depending upon your outlook. In early spring, Phytolacca (pronounced fy-toh-LAK-uh) leaves emerge, their bright green marking a sharp contrast to surrounding shades of gray and brown. It is in these early, tender stages that some people consider the leaves to be edible, with a few caveats. The leaves contain toxic compounds that are removed through placing them in boiling water for a few minutes, then discarding the water. This blanch-and-repeat cycle is performed two or three times to remove the bad stuff, after which it bears some resemblance to cooked spinach.

My mother would harvest spring young leaves and serve them occasionally, topped with diced onion, chopped boiled egg, and a sprinkle of bacon. I never ate them because (1) hey, it was green, and (2) anything that required such effort to disguise the flavor must have been nasty-tasting. When I grew older and learned of its poisonous nature, I accused her of trying to kill us all, a charge she never denied.

Clusters of pokeweed’s unimpressive spring flowers turn into bright green berries which mature into deep purple fruit. The shiny fruit contrasts with the plant’s red stems, a pretty combination. The affection Mother lavished on this native wonder in spring turned to disgust in autumn when birds ate the ripe fruit and decorated cars, walkways and laundry on the clothesline. Birds love the berries and are unaffected by the poison therein. Unfortunately, birds spread those seeds around, so many consider pokeweed to be invasive.

Several years ago, an excellent nursery in North Carolina offered a variegated Phytolacca as well as a chartreuse yellow type. I was tempted, but my husband scoffed at the idea of purchasing a weed, variegated or not. His opinion must have been widely held, because the plant is no longer offered.

Pokeweed grows six to ten feet tall, in sun to part shade. It looks best if it is pinched back several times when small, to produce a denser, branched plant. It is a herbaceous perennial with a fat taproot that allows it to withstand drought and thrive in almost any soil.

Tony Joe White, a Louisiana native, wrote and performed “Polk Salad Annie,” a song made famous by Elvis Pressley. YouTube’s on-screen text during Tony Joe White’s 1970 live UK performance says, “Polk salad is eaten by poor rural communities in the Deep South.” Despite being a hard-rock fan from birth, I loved the twangy song and as a child, I would always chime in on the chomp-chomp portion.

Partial lyrics:

…Every day before suppertime,
she’d go down by the truck patch 
And pick her a mess of polk salad,
and carry it home in a tow sack.
Polk Salad Annie,
the gators got your granny,
chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp…

(Fun fact: Louisiana is home to more than 2 million alligators.)

Ripe fruit is a shiny purple. Photo by Goran Horvat from Pixabay

Unripened pokeweed berries. Photo by Jan Haerer from Pixabay

Big, tough pokeweed tubers resist removal.

One of my gardener friends grew pokeweed in a container.

Garden Pause - Plan a Holiday Cookie Swap

Temperatures are dropping, rain is falling, and Christmas décor is overflowing retail store shelves. When gardening chores are slowing down, it is a perfect time to plan a holiday cookie swap. Here are my recommended steps for a successful swap, based on personal experience.

Select a date and time. The choice between daytime or night and between weekday or weekend will dictate your choice of invitees. I prefer to host holiday cookie swaps in late November or very early December. This helps avoid conflicts with Christmas parties and allows guests to enjoy goodies before the inevitable sweet-fatigue that sets in after a few dozen gatherings. By January, most of us do not want to see decorated sugar cookies, no matter how pretty they are.

Develop the guest list. In my opinion, the ideal group size is fifteen or fewer. Since each participant will be asked to bring two or three cookies per guest, a larger group size requires more kitchen time than some people want to commit. I once attended a too-large swap. By the time I finished mixing, rolling, cutting, baking and decorating gingerbread men for 35 people, I (illogically) hated the hostess and each of the guests.

Invitations can be written (check online for cute invites) or emailed, but should spell out specific instructions. Here is the language from my last swap invite:

  • Please seal your cookies in zip bags, one large cookie or a couple of small cookies per bag. The number of bags needed will be provided once all invitees have confirmed their attendance.

  • Clearly mark any cookies with nuts (for our friends with food allergies).

  • Homemade cookies are preferred. You can bring cookies from the bakery, but we will talk about you behind your back.

  • Please provide a yes or no response by [date].

  • If you have extra cookies, feel free to bring them along to share as refreshments.

  • Non-cookie snacks and beverages will be provided.

  • Casual holiday attire is preferred.

Prepare the swap site and a container for each confirmed attendee. Ideally, swap containers will be in a different room or on a different table than refreshments for the event. Prepare a container for each guest to take home. I like the “shoebox” containers available in red, green, or clear in many dollar-type stores, but holiday tins work well too. Clearly label each guest’s container with a large-lettered card, “These cookies go home with [name].”

Provide hot and cold beverages. Cocoa, coffee, tea, sodas, and water are good for daytime events. For night time, add alcoholic choices like sangria or punch. Provide non-sweet refreshments. Fresh fruit and savory treats like crudites, cheese and crackers, or a hot seafood dip make a nice contrast from all the sweets.

A couple of optional items: You can ask each guest to identify which cookies they brought. You can also ask that they bring printed copies of their recipe, so guests can duplicate their favorites. To prevent no-shows, send a reminder email or text to each confirmed attendee two days before the event.

If invitees ask for recipe recommendations, steer them away from soft icings and towards firmer cookies like shortbread, brownies, turtles, snickerdoodles, or gingerbread men.

Decorate the swap container table with colorful linens, fresh flowers, fragrant greenery. Have plenty of zip bags available for guests who ignore the instructions. Crank up the holiday tunes and enjoy a fun event!

This gingerbread man looks a little startled at his future. A sandwich-size zip bag is the perfect means of keeping cookies fresh.

A sample invitation from a past cookie swap, with 14 participants. Each person brings 13 cookies, since they will not give themselves a treat.

This is the “swap” table, with a container for each guest to take home.

Lovely Loropetalum, Chinese Fringe Flower

Amidst all the warm colors of autumn leaves, the deep burgundy or wine-colored foliage of Loropetalum provides a wonderful contrast.

When Loropetalum became widespread in garden centers in the late 1980’s, their deep burgundy foliage and hot pink flowers immediately became popular. White flowered, green-leaf varieties exist, as do variegated leaf cultivars, but neither are as widely grown as the burgundy-leaf forms. Unfortunately, many of the early introductions grew much larger than their labeled mature heights. Warm nights and the long growing season of the southeast result in taller-than-anticipated shrubs. When used as foundation shrubs, these early introductions required aggressive pruning to restrict size. Several cultivars that were labeled at a three-foot maximum height grew five feet or taller. (If I sold you one of these during my sales stint in a garden nursery, please accept my apology. It was a mistake through ignorance, not malice.)

Shearing Loropetalum into tight orbs or square-edged hedges ruins the graceful arching shape. Taller cultivars (‘Zhuzhou Fuchsia’ is a robust one) can be limbed up to tree forms that rival Crape Myrtles, without the concrete-staining problems of Crape Myrtle seed-pods but also without the lovely exfoliating bark of the Myrtles.

Burgundy-leaf types can take on green tints in the hottest part of the summer. ‘Jazz Hands’ is a cultivar with variegated foliage. New growth is splashed with pink and white. With age, foliage shows less and less variegation, so plan to prune annually to force colorful new growth. The variegation shows best when seen up close, so site your specimens where they can strut their individuality.

Evergreen Loropetalum (pronounced lor-oh-PET-ah-lum) is hardy in zones 7-9. It is heat tolerant, easily transplanted, and not choosy as to soil type, although it may show chlorosis in alkaline soil. Avoid boggy soils. Established shrubs are drought tolerant. They are rarely browsed by deer.

Heaviest bloom occurs in spring, but flowers appear sporadically during other months. Similar to Witchhazel, Loropetalum flowers have strap-like petals that give rise to the common name Fringe Flower. All forms bloom on old growth, so if you trim to generate fresh variegation, be aware that flowering will be reduced.

Check plant labels before purchase to ensure the selected cultivar will suit the planned location. If your site is tight, assume shrubs may exceed the stated dimensions.

shrub with pink bloom and dark burgundy foliage

Strap-like flower petals look like tufts of fringe, leading to the common name Fringe Flower.

Burgundy foliage shrub

Unpruned shrubs have a lovely, arching stem structure.